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Webinar: Delivering Your Message: Utilizing Both Traditional Approaches and Social Media

June 30, 2015 - June 30, 2015        

As part of our Consumers for Quality Care, No Matter Where initiative, Consumer Voice will be conducting FREE advocacy skills training webinars throughout the year. We welcome anyone and everyone - long-term care consumers, family members, individual advocates, long-term care ombudsmen, members of consumer advocacy groups, family/caregiving groups, consumer alliances, and community and senior organizations - to register to receive these trainings. It doesn't matter how much or how little advocacy you've done in the past - all are welcome to register!

What's next?

Save the dates and stay tuned! We'll be sending out more details about the trainings and how to register in upcoming weeks and as the new year unfolds.

Save the Date for an Upcoming Webinar:

How to Grow, Support, and Activate Your Network
August 27, 2015

*While the webinars are free, your contribution of $10 or more - or your membership in Consumer Voice - will help support our Public Policy and Advocacy programs. You can join the Consumer Voice here  or make a contribution here

Information From the Event