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In this episode of the Pursuing Quality Long-Term Care podcast, we are sharing the audio from Consumer Voice’s webinar earlier this month that launched our “Dignity for All: Staffing Standards Now!” campaign. Through this campaign, Consumer Voice is advocating for a minimum staffing standard in nursing homes.

In this episode, you will hear about the importance of adequate staffing for residents’ safety and health from Sam Brooks at Consumer Voice, and Toby Edelman, at the Center for Medicare Advocacy. You will also hear from Shelley Jackson, a CNA in Pennsylvania, and Margarite Grootjes, a resident in Ohio, as they share what it is like to live and work in a facility without adequate staffing.


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Dignity for All: Staffing Standards Now Camapaign

February marked the one-year anniversary of President Biden’s announcement of historic nursing home reforms. Creating a minimum staffing standard, which would be the most significant increase in protections for nursing home residents in decades, was central to his plan. Since his announcement, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) has embarked on a study to determine the minimum level of direct nursing care all residents need and has promised to propose a standard this spring.

The nursing home industry’s opposition to a minimum staffing standard has been fierce. The voices of residents and workers have been lost in the discussion. Over the next several months, Consumer Voice and resident advocates will center the discussion of minimum staffing standards on residents and workers by holding a series of events to uplift their voices. We must ensure that the primary focus of adequate staffing is on the residents and workers!

Visit the Dignity for All campaign webpage for resources, stories, and to stay up-to-date on the schedule of upcoming events.