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Over the past two weeks, Consumer Voice, along with several other nursing home resident and worker advocacy groups, filed amicus briefs in support of the recently finalized minimum staffing rule, in two different lawsuits. The first brief was filed on November 25, 2024 in  American Health Care Association, et. al., v.  Becerra. The case, filed by the nursing home lobbying groups American Health Care Association (AHCA), Leading Age, the Texas Health Care Association, and three Texas nursing facilities, seeks to prevent the federal government from requiring a level of minimum staffing in nursing homes designed to protect nursing home residents from harm. Consumer Voice has strongly supported the rule and heralded it as one of the most significant increases in protections for nursing home residents in decades.

The second brief was filed on December 3, 2024 in Kansas v. Becerra. In this case, Attorneys General from twenty states filed suit against the federal government attempting to block the minimum staffing rule. Consumer Voice previously issued a statement on this suit, pointing out how shameful it was for these states’ top law enforcement officers to try and block a rule that would save an estimated 13,000 lives annually.

Since the Biden Administration announced its plans to implement a minimum staffing rule, the nursing home industry and its lobbying organizations have spent millions trying to prevent its implementation. The rule, designed to address the poorest-performing homes in the country, is modest. The final standard is well below what Consumer Voice recommended in its comments on the proposed rule. Despite the modesty of the rule, it is a critical step in ensuring residents living in the most poorly staffed nursing homes in the country begin to receive better care. If the lawsuit is successful, it will place untold numbers of nursing home residents in harm’s way.

Read Consumer Voice’s summary of the rule. It is essential that we all stand with nursing home residents and workers as the billion-dollar nursing home industry seeks to derail this critical protection.