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Listen to the new episode of the Pursuing Quality Long-Term Care podcast, Residents Amplify Their Voices for Change. For decades Consumer Voice has designated October as Residents’ Rights Month. This month is an opportunity to recognize the value of each resident and the importance of treating every resident with dignity and respect. This year’s theme, Amplify Our Voices, highlights residents coming together to make their voices heard.

In this episode, join us as we speak with two resident advocates. Floyd Hartley is a former nursing home resident who now lives in the community and works as an advocate for all residents including those transitioning out of facilities. We also spoke with Cindy Napolitan, a current nursing home resident who has lived in two different nursing homes for over six years and has advocated for herself and others at the local, state, and federal level during that time.

Floyd and Cindy discuss how they work to improve conditions for nursing home residents. Their constant effort and advocacy illustrate how residents can use their own voices to make systematic change for consumers in long-term care facilities.

Listen to the podcast on SpotifyApple PodcastsSoundCloudFacebookYoutube, or our website