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On February 28, 2023, President Biden announced a historic set of nursing home reforms. The centerpiece of these reforms was the promise to create a minimum staffing standard in nursing homes. For the first time, nursing homes will be required to provide, at a minimum, a certain amount of direct care each day to each resident. Since this announcement, residents, families, nursing home workers, and their advocates have been working tirelessly to support the Biden proposal.

Over twenty years ago, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) commissioned a study that found that a nursing home resident needed, at a minimum, at least 4.1 hours of direct care per day (hpd). Since then, nursing home residents have become sicker and in need of more care, while more functional individuals choose to remain at home. Any minimum staffing standard below 4.1 hpd will be unacceptable.

The nursing home industry is spending millions of dollars to try and derail this historic reform by the Biden Administration. Nursing Home residents need your help!

Use our online form to send a message to your members of Congress urging them to support a strong staffing standard in nursing homes.

In August, Congress will be in recess and your Congressmembers will be returning home. Many members of Congress will be conducting town halls or attending events where you can make your voice heard.

After taking the action above, call your members of Congress and tell them you support a strong minimum staffing standard that is equal to or above 4.1 hpd. Find contact information for your members of Congress.