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March Forth Together

March 01, 2022 - March 31, 2022

Countdown to Event:


On February 28, 2022, the Biden Administration announced it would be implementing new nursing home reforms including the creation of a minimum staffing standard in nursing homes, accountability for poor performing nursing homes, increased transparency around ownership and finances, and support for direct care staff. These reforms are critical and desperately needed to address the inadequate conditions that many residents face in their day to day lives.

Throughout the month of March, we are taking action to support better nursing home policies and ensure meaningful change in the lives of nursing home residents.

We are excited for these reforms, but this is just the beginning. There is a great deal of work still to be done to get them implemented.

Join us in our month of action

March 7 - March 11: Thank You, Mr. President

Let’s take time to celebrate the Biden Administration’s new nursing home reforms. Consumer Voice has drafted a letter for advocates, family members, and residents to send, thanking the White House for these new reforms. Send a message directly using this online tool. Share it with your larger networks and encourage them to do the same. Read Consumer Voice’s letter thanking President Biden, HHS Secretary Becerra, and CMS Administrator Brooks-LaSure.

March 14 - March 18: Letters to the Editor Week

Use our new Letters to the Editor Guide which provides information on how to craft a strong letter to the editor. We want as many people as possible to write letters and send them to their local media publications, explaining why these new reforms are so necessary. Easily send your letter to multiple local and national media outlets by using our online tool.

March 21 - March 25: Social Media Week

It’s time to raise resident voices and make sure they’re heard! During Social Media Week, we are encouraging residents and family members to speak about understaffing.  Create a video of a resident in a nursing home explaining in their own words – “What does it mean when there aren’t enough staff?” See a sample of a resident clip here. Then post the video to your social media on Thursday, March 24th for our social media storm. Participate using the hashtags below, and use our toolkit for sample tweets and graphics. Post on Twitter and Facebook on March 24th and throughout the month of March!

Use hashtags: #MarchForthWithResidents  #UnderstaffingIsNeglect

This is a great way to send a powerful message with resident voices at the forefront!

March 28 - April 1: Reach Out to Congress

The nursing home plan set out by the Biden Administration is a huge victory and a great step forward, but we’re not done! We need to see these reforms implemented! During the last week of March, we’ll reach out to Congress to make sure they stay engaged on these issues and realize the battle is ongoing! Use our online tool to send a message to your members of Congress.

We are excited to have you join us for our month of action and for everyone to stay engaged throughout the month as we work to make positive change for nursing home residents. Let’s March Forth Together!

Let’s March Forth Together!

#MarchForthWithResidents  #UnderstaffingIsNeglect