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Residents’ Rights Month

October 1-31, 2025

About Residents’ Rights Month

October is Residents’ Rights Month, an annual event designated by Consumer Voice to honor residents living in all long-term care facilities and those receiving care in their home or community. It is an opportunity to focus on and celebrate the dignity and rights of every individual receiving long-term services and supports.

Residents have the right to self-determination and to use their voice to make their own choices. This year’s theme, Stand with Me, highlights the importance of solidarity and support for residents who stand up and advocate for their rights, as well as the value of encouraging the community to join residents in sharing their voices.

“I am trying to help by speaking out so that someone quiet and afraid will be spoken for.”
- Debbie, nursing home resident

Resident's Voice Challenge

Creative writing and artistic expression are meaningful and compelling ways to highlight the importance of residents’ rights and how these rights can be carried out in all long-term care settings. The Resident’s Voice Challenge encourages residents to submit essays, poems, artwork, drawings, or videos related to the theme.

View Criteria

Get Creative

This year’s theme highlights the importance of solidarity and support for residents who stand up and advocate for their rights, as well as the value of encouraging the community to join residents in sharing their voices.

In celebration of Consumer Voice’s 50th Anniversary, we are creating a coffee table book featuring residents’ voices. We’re seeking creative artwork (posters, paintings, drawings) or written entries (essays, poems) of 50 words or less. Individuals whose entries are selected for inclusion in the book will receive a complimentary copy of the book.

Use these questions to inspire you:

  • What makes you feel empowered?
  • Why is it important to stand up for your rights? For quality care?
  • What contributes to your quality of life?
  • What is needed for quality care to be provided in a long-term care facility?
  • How can others (family, community members, etc.) support bringing about quality care and quality of life in long-term care facilities?

We also welcome audio and video recordings, long-form essays, or photos to be featured on our website, emails, and social media.

Send Submissions

Read the full Resident’s Voice Challenge Criteria before submitting.
Email submissions to by June 30, 2025. Include a mailing address with your submission for residents to receive certificates of participation.


  • Video submission options:
  • Artwork submissions:
    • Take a high-resolution photo of your artwork and email the JPG or PNG file as an attachment to Do not send images in the body of the email, as the file is sometimes compressed.
  • Mailed submissions:
    • Submissions can be mailed to: Consumer Voice, 1025 Connecticut Ave. NW, Ste. 1000, Washington, DC 20036. Mailed submissions must be received by the submission deadline, June 30, and will not be returned.

Logo Usage Guideline


We encourage wide promotion of Residents’ Rights Month. Please read our logo usage policy before using our logo.


Advocating for Rights and Better Care in Nursing Homes


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My Personal Directions for Quality Living

Record your personal preferences to help your future caregivers learn about you. See a sample.


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