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National Call-In Day March 6 for Money Follows the Person: Tell Your Members of Congress to fund MFP!

March 05, 2019

Last week, we shared with you the good news that two versions of the EMPOWER Care Act continuing the Money Follows the Person Program for five years were introduced – one in the House (H.R. 1342) and one in the Senate (S. 548).   Now we have to get these bills passed!

On March 6, join with others across the country to urge Congress to continue funding MFP. 

Here’s how:

  1. Call the Capitol Switchboard at: (202) 224-3121 (voice) or (202) 224-3091(tty) and ask to be connected to your Representative or your Senators.  You can use this tool to find your Members of Congress if you don’t know who they are: https://contactingcongress.org/

  2. When you are connected to your Representative or Senator, ask him or her to co-sponsor and support the EMPOWER Care Act. You can use the script below if it is helpful.

  3. Repeat until you’ve called your Representative and your two Senators.


"Hello, my name is ____________.  I am a constituent of Representative/Senator ____________ and I live in TOWN, STATE.  I’m calling to ask Representative/Senator _________ to co-sponsor and support the EMPOWER Care Act  which would improve and extend the Money Follows the Person Program for five more years. MFP is a win-win for long-term care consumers and states. MFP helps individuals with disabilities and seniors who want to return to the community leave institutions, including nursing homes.  It also helps states save money because community care costs less.

I hope Representative/Senator _____________ will support the Empower Care Act.   Thank you for the opportunity to weigh in on this issue."

Thank you for your advocacy  - let’s keep up the momentum!

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