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Tell Congress to Restore Long-Term Care Consumers' Rights!

January 11, 2016

Consumer Voice has launched a petition asking the U.S. Congress to pass the Arbitration Fairness Act (H.R. 2087; S. 1133), legislation that would ban the use of pre-dispute, forced arbitration agreements in consumer contracts. These are agreements that residents or their loved ones must sign when entering into a nursing home or assisted living facility. Once signed, pre-dispute, forced arbitration agreements strip individuals of their constitutional right to a trial by jury should any dispute arise in the future regarding poor care, abuse or neglect.

Consumer Voice has already urged the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services to ban the use of these clauses in nursing home contracts. Now they are calling on Congress to take action on this important issue. You can help by signing on to this petition and sharing it with your family members, colleagues and friends. You can go here to add your name to this effort.

For information about forced arbitration agreements in long-term care facility contracts, visit the Consumer Voice webpage on this issue.

Thank you for your advocacy!


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