Specialized Information for:
Long-Term Care ConsumersFamily MembersAdvocatesJuly 18, 2018
President Trump has issued an Executive Order allowing Administrative Law Judges (ALJs) to be selected by political appointees. Currently, ALJs go through a competitive examination and selection process open to all applicants. This process ensures that ALJs are qualified and experienced and safegards against potential partisan interference when making decisions. President Trump's Executive Order means that the only requirement for a person to become an ALJ is that they are licensed to practice law. Over 85 percent of ALJs in the federal government work at the Social Security Administration and many others work in Health and Human Services (which decides Medicare cases). ALJs often determine whether individuals are entitled to benefits after they have been denied Social Security Disability Insurance or Supplemental Security Income benefits. When ALJs are politically appointed or potentially inexperienced, it is possible that cases will be decided based on the preferences of a political party rather than the rule of law.
Find more information from Justice in Aging here and read a letter from the American Association for Justice here.
Contact your members of Congress and urge them to stop the Trump Administration's efforts and ensure people's right to fair and impartial decisions!
Contact Congress by:
Identifying your two Senators and your Congressperson. If you don’t know who they are, go to: https://www.govtrack.us/congress/members, then use the drop down menu where it says, "Or select a state to list all senators and representatives from that state." As soon as you select your state, your members of Congress will pop up.
Calling the Capitol switchboard at (202) 224‐3121. Follow the prompts.